This is a story that has nothing to do with crazy patrons or anything of the sort.
So, I left work this afternoon to go to lunch. I was meeting a coworker who has been out for several weeks with an injury. When I told my boss who I was having lunch with, she asked if she could join... and I said she could, of course!
She wasn't going to be able to meet us until a few minutes later, though.
Anyway, I went to lunch, but my boss never showed up. I checked my phone a few times in case she called, but I never got a message or anything. I just figured it had gotten busy at the library and she wasn't able to make it.
I got back to work from lunch a little bit later than I meant to. When I came back, I noticed a lack of cars in the parking lot. Also, no one was in the reference workroom. However, our director was sitting at the reference desk. This is when I discovered what happened while I was gone.
Apparently, shortly after I had left for lunch, the power in the building went off. It was off for so long, that they actually decided to close the library and send everyone home for the day. So, that's why the parking lot was mostly empty and why my coworkers were gone. Apparently, though, the power had come back on before everyone had left, so whoever was left had to stay. My boss had left me two voice mails telling me about this, but I didn't hear them until I was already back in the building. Now remember, I had been checking my phone because I was wondering where she was. But after a while, I quit checking, and I didn't hear it when my phone actually rang.
So, anyway, I'm sitting at the reference desk now (on the day, by the way, when I typically have no desk hours) and most of my coworkers are at home... enjoying an unexpected afternoon off.
I was going to come in early tomorrow for taking a long lunch today. I'm not doing that anymore.